Thursday, July 06, 2006

Basic Study Manual by Hubbard L Ron

I learnt that...

why study? Noah Webster said that "to study" means "to apply the mind to; to read & examine for the purpose of learning and understanding."
-study the course in order to apply the data in it.
-how can I really apply this material? how can I really use this?
-get much more out of what one studied

1st obstacle to learning (block one's ability to study & his ability to be educated)
- one knows it all already
-absence of mass (without visual images) --> feel squashed, bent, sort of spinny, dead, bored, exasperated.

2nd obstacle to learning
-too steep a gradient --> confusion/reelingness results
-cut back the gradient

3rd obstacle to learning (prime factor)
-misunderstood word -->blank feeling, nervous hysteria
confusion or inability to grasp

Learning how to learn
1. duplication
2. understanding
false data: it doesn't matter how much money the government spends. it is good for the society.
senior data: every drop of facts in the sea might look like every other drop
-listen to many useless opinions--> never learn the key data
-more causative over life--> learn to think with the tools and apply them
-resolve problems
-life with all of a sudden become more livable

difference between careful and careless students
-careful ones: applies technology of study
-with the intention to learn something
-doesn't have a clue with one paragraph --> goes back & finds out where he's got tangled up.


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