Ethical Reasoning
I learnt that...
-Ethical Relativism: Diversity of moral views, moral uncertainty, situational differences
-Moral Pluralism
- Psychological Egosim
- Ethical Egoism
- Utilitarianism (Jeremy Benthan & John Stuart Mill)
- Principle of Utility: Consequentialist Principle; intrinsic good; calculating the greatest amount of happiness; cost-benefit analysis
- Kant's Moral Theory (Immanuel Kant): Right motive; Categorical Imperative; Moral Equality & Impartiality
- Natural Law & Natural Rights (Aristotle)
- Virtue Ethics
Theoretical Perspectives
- Albert Camus: Bread & Freedom
- Annette Baier: The need for more than justice
- Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics; Politics
- Ayn rand: Virtue of selfishness
- David Hume: A treatise of human nature
- Edmund Burke: Reflections on the revolution in France
- Hugo Grotius: On the law of war & peace
- Immanuel Kant: Fundamental Principles of metaphysic of morals
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discourse on origin of inequality; On social contract
- John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government
- John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism
- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engles: Manifesto of Communist Party
- Mary Midgley: Trying out one's new sword
- Philippa Foot: Virtues & Vices
- Plato: Euthyphro; The Ring of Gyges; The Republic;
- Simone de Beauvoir: The ethics of ambiguity
- St Thomas Aquinas: Whether it is always sinful to wage war
- Thomas Hobbes: Self Love; Leviathan;
- Abortion (depend on fetal-personhood issue??)
- Animal Rights: animal experimentation; endangered species
- Cloning & Genetic Engineering: GM plants & animals; genetic screening
- Economic Justice: Equal opportunity; libertarianism; capitalism; socialism; modern liberalism; John Rawl's Theory of Justice; communitarianism
- Environmental Ethics: value; antropocentrism; ecocentrism; deep ecology; ecofeminism; sustainability
- Equality & Discrimination (Civil Rights Law): justice; social benefits & harms; proof; real & differences;
- Euthanasia (Active vs Passive)
- Global issues & globalization: rich & poor nations; modernization; market capitalism
- Legal Punishment: deterrence & retributist argument
- Pornography (Liberty-Limiting principles): harm; social harm; offense; legal paternalism; legal moralism
- Sexual Morality (Conceptual problems: what is & NOT sexual?) & Homosexuality
- Violence, Terrorism & War: just war theory (just ad bellum, just in bello); weapons of mass destruction; war crimes & universal human rights
- Albert Camus: Reflections on Guillotine
- Alison M Jaggar: Sexual difference & sexual equality
- Ann Garry: Sex, Lies & Respect
- Antonin Scalia: Disease as a cure
- Bernard R Boxill: Blacks & social justice
- Bertrand Russell: Our sexual ethics
- Carl von Clausewitz: On the nature of war
- Carolyn Graglia: Domestic Tranquility
- Catharine MacKinnon: Pornography, civil rights & speech
- Cesare Beccaria: On crime & punishment
- Charles Murray: Losing ground - American social policy
- Christina Hoff Sommers: Who stole feminism?
- Christine A Littleton: Reconstructing sexual equality
- Don Marquis: Why abortion is immoral
- Elizabeth Anscombe: War & Murder
- Ernest van den Haag: The death penalty - a debate
- Ethan A. Nadelmann: The case for legalization
- Franklin Delano Rooselvelt: Commonwealth club address
- Herman E. Daly: Globalization & its discontents
- Holmes Rolston: Humans valuing natural environment
- Hugo Adam Bedau: The case against death penalty
- Immanuel Kant: The right of punishing
- James Q. Wilson: Against legalization of drugs
- Jeffrey H Reiman:driving to the panopticon.....
- John Hospers: What libertarianism is
- John Rawls: Justice as fairness; Theory of justice
- John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
- Johnathan Rauch: Kindly inquisitors - new attacks on free thought; Objections to these unions
- Judith Jarvis Thomson: Defense of abortion
- Justice Anthony Kennedy: Lawrence et al v Texas
- Justice Antonin Scalia: R.A.V v City of St Paul (Minnesota)
- Justice Byron White: Bowers v Hardwick
- Justice Earl Warren: Brown v Board of Education
- Justice Harry Blackmun: Roe v Wade
- Justice Lewis Powell: Regents of University of California v Bakke
- Justice Robert J Cordy: Goodridge v Dept of Public Health
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: United States v Virginia et al
- Justice Sandra Day O'Connor: Grutter v Bollinger et al
- Justice Stewart" Gregg v Georgia
- Justice William Brennan: Texas v Johnson; Furman v Georgia
- Justice William Rehnquist: Washinton et al v Glucksberg et al; Gratz v Bollinger et al
- Kai Nielsen: Egalitarian Justice - equality as a goal & equality as a right
- Leon R. Kaas: Wisdom of Repugnance
- Lisa Newton: Reverse discrimination as unjustified
- Mary Ann Warren: On the moral & legal status of abortion
- Mary Wollstonecraft: A vindication of rights of woman
- Michael Walzer: Just & Unjust wars; Welfare, membership & need
- Milton Friedman: An open letter to Bill Bennett
- Peter Singer: All animals are equal; famine, affluenc & morality; Animal Liberation;
- Richard A. Wasserstrom: On racism & sexism
- Richard Brandt: Moral Principle about killing
- Richard D. Mohr: Prejudice & Homosexuality
- Richard Prosner: The Economics of Justice
- Rita Manning: Liberal & Communitarian defenses of workplace privacy
- Robert Nozick: Distributive Justice; Anarchy, state & utopia
Robert P Geroge: Public reason & political conflict - abortion
- Roger Scruton: Sexual desire
- Ronald Dworkin: The brief of Amici Curiae; Liberalism
- Ronald Gree: Much ado about mutton
- Samuel Warren: The right to privacy
- Scott A. Anderson: Prostitution & Sexual Autonomy - Making sense of prohibition of prostitution
- Sidney Callahan: Abortion & sexual agenda
- Stanley Fish: There's no such thing as free speech, & it's a good thing
- Stanley Kurtz: The Libertarian Question
- Susan Okin: Justice & gender
- Thomas Nagel: Sexual Perversion
- WendyMcElroy: Sexual Correctness
- William F. Baxter: People or penguins: case for optimal pollution
- William G Bown: Shape of the river
- William J Bennett: A response to Milton Friedman
- William Tucker: Why death penalty works
* Int'l declaration of the rights of animals
* Matter of Quinlan
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